1 |
State Administration Council |
2 |
Provisional Government Office |
3 |
Pyidaungsu Hluttaw |
www.pyidaungsu.hluttaw.mm |
4 |
Pyithu Hluttaw |
www.pyithuhluttaw.gov.mm |
5 |
Amyotha Hluttaw |
www.amyotha.hluttaw.mm |
6 |
The Supreme Court of the Union |
www.unionsupremecourt.gov.mm |
7 |
Constitutional Tribunal of the Union of Myanmar |
www.constitutionaltribunal.gov.mm |
8 |
Union Election Commission |
www.uec.gov.mm |
9 |
Ministry of Defence |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.mod.gov.mm |
2 |
Myawady Web Portal |
www.myawady.net.mm |
10 |
Ministry of Home Affairs |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.moha.gov.mm |
2 |
General Administration Department |
www.gad.gov.mm |
3 |
Myanmar Police Force |
www.policeforce.gov.mm |
4 |
Myanmar Fire Services Department |
www.fsd.gov.mm |
11 |
Ministry of Foreign Affairs |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.mofa.gov.mm |
12 |
Ministry of Union Government Office (1) |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.mougo.gov.mm |
2 |
Revenue Appellate Tribunal |
13 |
Ministry of Union Government Office (2) |
1 |
Minister Office |
14 |
Ministry of Border Affairs |
1 |
Union Minister’s Office |
www.moba.gov.mm |
15 |
Ministry of Planning and Finance |
1 |
Union Minister’s Office |
www.mopf.gov.mm |
2 |
Planning Department |
www.mopf.gov.mm , www.projectbank.gov.mm |
3 |
National Achives Department |
www.nam.gov.mm |
4 |
Central Statistical Organization |
www.csostat.gov.mm , www.mmsis.gov.mm |
5 |
Central Equipment Statistics and Inspection Department |
www.mopf.gov.mm |
6 |
Project Appraisal and Progress Reporting Department |
www.mopf.gov.mm |
7 |
Myanma Economic Bank |
www.meb.gov.mm |
8 |
Myanma Foreign Trade Bank |
www.mmftb.gov.mm |
9 |
Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank |
www.micb.gov.mm |
10 |
Myanma Agricultural Development Bank |
www.mopf.gov.mm |
11 |
Myanma Insurance |
www.mminsurance.gov.mm |
12 |
Budget Department |
www.mopf.gov.mm |
13 |
Customs Department |
www.customs.gov.mm |
14 |
Internal Revenue Department |
www.ird.gov.mm |
15 |
Pension Department |
www.pension.gov.mm |
16 |
Securities and Exchange Commission of Myanmar |
www.secm.gov.mm |
17 |
Financial Regulatory Department |
www.frd.gov.mm |
18 |
Treasury Department |
www.mopf.gov.mm |
16 |
Ministry of Investment and Foreign Economic Relations |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.mifer.gov.mm |
2 |
Directorate of Investment and Company Administration |
www.dica.gov.mm |
3 |
Foreign Economic Relations Department |
www.ferd.gov.mm |
17 |
Ministry of International Cooperation |
1 |
Minister Office |
18 |
Ministry of Legal Affairs |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.oag.gov.mm |
2 |
Myanmar Law Information System |
www.mlis.gov.mm |
19 |
Ministry of Information |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.moi.gov.mm |
2 |
Myanma Radio and Television |
www.mrtvmyanmar.com |
3 |
Information and Public Relations Department |
www.moi.gov.mm/iprd |
4 |
News and Periodical Enterprise |
www.moi.gov.mm/npe |
5 |
Printing and Publishing Department |
www.moi.gov.mm/ppd |
20 |
Ministry of Religious Affairs and Culture |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.mora.gov.mm , www.moculture.gov.mm |
2 |
Department of Religious Affairs |
www.dra.gov.mm |
3 |
Department for the Promotion and Propagation of Sasana |
www.dpps.gov.mm |
4 |
International Theravāda Buddhist Missionary University |
www.itbmu.org.mm |
5 |
The State Samgha MahaNayaka Committee |
www.mahana.org.mm |
6 |
State Pariyatti Sasana University of Mandalay |
www.spsumdy.org |
7 |
Kabaaye Buddha Research Library |
www.KBRL.gov.mm |
21 |
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.moali.gov.mm |
2 |
Department of Agriculture |
www.doa.gov.mm |
3 |
Livestock Breeding and Veterinary Department |
www.lbvd.gov.mm |
4 |
Department of Fisheries |
www.dof.gov.mm |
5 |
Yezin Agricultural University |
www.yau.edu.mm |
6 |
University of Veterinary Science |
www.uvsyezin.edu.mm |
22 |
Ministry of Cooperatives and Rural Development |
1 |
Minister Office |
2 |
Department of Rural Development |
www.drdmyanmar.org, www.cdd.drdmyanmar.org |
3 |
Co-operative University, Thanlyin |
www.tcu.edu.mm |
23 |
Ministry of Transport and Communications |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.motc.gov.mm |
2 |
Department of Transport Planning |
www.dotp.gov.mm |
3 |
Department of Civil Aviation |
www.dca.gov.mm |
4 |
Department of Marine Administration |
www.dma-mm.org |
5 |
Department of Water Resources and Improvement of River Systems |
www.dwir.gov.mm |
6 |
Department of Meteorology and Hydrology |
www.moezala.gov.mm |
7 |
Road Transport Administration Department |
www.rtad.gov.mm , www.myanmarrtad.com , www.motc.gov.mm |
8 |
Posts and Telecommunications Department |
www.ptd.gov.mm |
9 |
Information Technology and Cyber Security Department |
www.mmcert.org.mm |
10 |
Myanmar National Airlines |
www.flymna.com |
11 |
Inland Water Transport |
www.iwt.gov.mm |
12 |
Myanma Port Authority |
www.mpa.gov.mm |
13 |
Myanmar shipyards |
www.motc.gov.mm |
14 |
Myanma Railways |
www.railways.gov.mm |
15 |
Road Transport |
www.motc.gov.mm |
16 |
Myanma Posts and Telecommunications |
www.mpt.com.mm |
17 |
Myanmar Post |
www.myanmarpost.com.mm |
18 |
Myanmar Maritime University |
www.mmu.edu.mm |
19 |
Myanmar Mercantile Marine College |
www.mmmc.edu.mm |
20 |
Central Institute of Transport and Communications |
www.motc.gov.mm |
24 |
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environmental Conservation |
1 |
Minister Office (Forestry) |
www.monrec.gov.mm |
2 |
Minister Office (Mining) |
www.mining.gov.mm |
3 |
Department of Forestry |
www.forestdepartment.gov.mm |
4 |
Myanma Timber Enterprise |
www.mte.com.mm |
5 |
Dry Zone Greening Department |
www.dryzonegreening.gov.mm |
6 |
Environmental Conservation Department |
www.ecd.gov.mm |
7 |
Survey Department |
www.surveydepartment.gov.mm |
25 |
Ministry of Electricity |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.moee.gov.mm |
26 |
Ministry of Energy |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.moee.gov.mm |
27 |
Ministry of Industry |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.industry.gov.mm |
2 |
Directorate of Industrial Supervision and Inspection |
www.disi.gov.mm |
3 |
SME Development Agency |
www.msme.gov.mm |
4 |
No.1 Industrial Training Center (Sinde) |
www.itcsinde.edu.mm |
5 |
No.2 Industrial Training Center (Mandalay) |
www.itcmandalay.edu.mm |
6 |
No.3 Industrial Training Center (Thagaya) |
www.itcthagaya.edu.mm |
7 |
No.4 Industrial Training Center (Pakokku) |
www.itcpakokku.edu.mm |
8 |
No.5 Industrial Training Center (Magway) |
www.itcmagway.edu.mm |
9 |
No.6 Industrial Training Center (Myingyan) |
www.itcmyingyan.edu.mm |
28 |
Ministry of Immigration and Population |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.mol.gov.mm , www.mip.gov.mm , www.labourportal.gov.mm |
2 |
e-Visa Department |
evisa.moip.gov.mm |
3 |
Department of Population |
www.dop.gov.mm |
29 |
Ministry of Labour |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.mol.gov.mm , www.myanmarjob.gov.mm |
30 |
Ministry of Commerce |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.commerce.gov.mm |
2 |
Department of Consuner Affairs |
www.doca.gov.mm |
3 |
Myanmar National Trade Portal |
www.myanmartradeportal.gov.mm |
4 |
Myanmar Trade Promotion Organization |
www.myantrade.org |
5 |
Myanmar's Trade Network and e-Commerce Portal |
www.myanmartradenet.com.mm |
31 |
Ministry of Education |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.moe.gov.mm |
2 |
Department of Higher Education |
www.moe-st.gov.mm |
3 |
Department of Education Research, Planning and Training |
www.derpt.gov.mm |
4 |
Department of Basic Education |
www.dbe.moe.edu.mm |
5 |
Department of Myanmar Examinations |
www.myanmarexam.org |
6 |
Department of Myanmar Nationalities' Languages (DMNL) |
dmnl.moe-st.gov.mm |
7 |
Department of Alternative Education |
dae.edu.mm |
8 |
Department of Monitoring and Evaluation (Education) |
www.mnee.moe.edu.mm |
9 |
Department of Technical and Vocational Education and Training |
www.tvetmyanmar.gov.mm, www.smvti-mm.org |
10 |
Department of Research and Innovation |
www.myanmarstandards.org.mm , www.daemyanmar.com |
11 |
Department of Technology Promotion and Coordination |
www.dtpc.gov.mm |
12 |
Department of Monitoring and Evaluation (Research) |
dmne-research.org |
32 |
Ministry of Science and Technology |
1 |
Minister Office |
33 |
Ministry of Health |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.mohs.gov.mm |
2 |
Food and Drug Administration |
www.fdamyanmar.gov.mm, www.fda.gov.mm |
3 |
Department of Traditional Medicine |
www.dtm.gov.mm |
4 |
National Blood Center |
www.donatebloodmyanmar.org |
5 |
Yangon General Hospital |
www.yghhealthcare.org |
6 |
Department of Medical Research |
www.dmr.gov.mm |
7 |
Department of Medical Research (Pyin Oo Lwin) |
www.dmr-polb.gov.mm |
8 |
Central Biomedical Library |
www.dmrlibrary.org |
9 |
Ethics Review Committee |
www.ercdmr.org.mm |
10 |
Myanmar Health Sciences Research Journal |
www.myanmarhsrj.com |
11 |
Myanmar Medical Association |
www.mmacentral.org |
12 |
University of Medicine 1, Yangon |
www.um1yangon.edu.mm |
13 |
University of Medicine 2, Yangon |
www.um2ygn.edu.mm |
14 |
University of Medicine, Mandalay |
www.ummdy.gov.mm |
15 |
University of Medicine, Magway |
www.ummg.gov.mm |
16 |
University of Medicine, Taunggyi |
www.umtgi.edu.mm |
17 |
University of Public Health, Yangon |
www.uph-myanmar.gov.mm |
18 |
University of Dental Medicine, Yangon |
udmyangon-edu.com |
19 |
University of Dental Medicine, Mandalay |
udmmandalay.gov.mm |
20 |
University of Nursing, Yangon |
www.uonygn.gov.mm |
21 |
University of Nursing, Mandalay |
www.uonmdy.edu.mm |
22 |
University of Pharmacy, Mandalay |
www.uopmdy.gov.mm |
23 |
University of Medical Technology, Yangon |
www.umty.gov.mm |
24 |
University of Medical Technology, Mandalay |
www.umtmandalay.gov.mm |
34 |
Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs |
1 |
Minister Office |
2 |
Sports and Physical Education Department |
www.sped.gov.mm |
35 |
Ministry of Construction |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.construction.gov.mm |
2 |
Building Department |
www.construction.gov.mm |
3 |
Road Management Department |
www.construction.gov.mm |
4 |
Bridge Management Department |
www.construction.gov.mm |
5 |
State East Department |
www.construction.gov.mm |
6 |
Village Development Department |
www.construction.gov.mm |
36 |
Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.moswrr.gov.mm |
2 |
Department of Social Welfare |
www.dsw.gov.mm |
3 |
Department of Disaster Management |
www.rrdmyanmar.gov.mm |
37 |
Ministry of Hotel and Tourism |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.tourism.gov.mm , www.payment.tourism.gov.mm |
2 |
Hotel and Tourism Supervision Department |
www.tourism.gov.mm |
38 |
Ministry of Ethnic Affairs |
1 |
Minister Office |
www.moea.gov.mm |
39 |
Office of the Auditor General of the Union |
www.oagmac.gov.mm |
40 |
Union Civil Service Board |
www.ucsb.gov.mm |
41 |
Naypyitaw Council |
www.nptcouncil.gov.mm |
42 |
Kachin State Government |
www.kachinstate.gov.mm |
43 |
Kayah State Government |
www.kayahstate.gov.mm |
44 |
Kayin State Government |
www.kayinstate.gov.mm |
45 |
Chin State Government |
www.chinstate.gov.mm |
46 |
Sagaing Region Government |
www.sagaingregion.gov.mm |
47 |
Tanintharyi Region Government |
www.tniregion.gov.mm |
48 |
Bago Region Government |
www.bagoregion.gov.mm |
49 |
Magway Region Government |
www.magwaygov.org |
50 |
Mandalay Region Government |
www.mandalayregion.gov.mm, www.emandalay.gov.mm |
51 |
Mon State Government |
www.monstate.gov.mm |
52 |
Rakhine State Government |
53 |
Yangon Region Government |
www.yangon.gov.mm |
54 |
Shan State Government |
www.shanstate.gov.mm |
55 |
Ayeyarwaddy Region Government |
www.ayeyarwadyregion.gov.mm |
56 |
Central Bank of Myanmar |
www.cbm.gov.mm |
57 |
Anti-Corruption Commission |
www.accm.gov.mm |
58 |
Myanmar National Human Rights Commission |
www.mnhrc.org.mm |
59 |
Naypyitaw City Development Committee |
www.nptdc.gov.mm |
60 |
Yangon City Development Committee |
www.ycdc.gov.mm |
61 |
Mandalay City Development Committee |
www.emcdc.com |