Online Booking System to apply for Vehicle Inspection of district offices (South Mandalay) and District Office (North Mandalay) in Mandalay region and Yangon Region တည်ဆောက်ရေးလုပ်ငန်းများဆောက်လုပ်ရန် အိတ်ဖွင့်တင်ဒါခေါ်ယူခြင်း Information Ministry makes rules of tender system for school textbooks clear Senior General: Unity among nationalities vital in making Myanmar stand strong
Online Booking System to apply for Vehicle Inspection of district offices (South Mandalay) and District Office (North Mandalay) in Mandalay region and Yangon Region
Ministry of Transport and Communications / November 13, 2018
Basic needs or fees? to obtain the service offline
Service fee and testing fee for registered vehicles in the respective region:
1. Small Vehicle - 5000 Kyat
2. Large Vehicle - 10000 Kyat
Obtaining online booking for the service is free of charge (FOC)
Required Documents
a. Registration Book of the Vehicle
b. Certificate of evidence of the Vehicle
c. The applicant's NRC with photo (genuine and copy )
Step to apply
Select the following facts on online appointment application form .
Name of the office
Date of arrival
Plate Number
For online booking:
Online booking can be obtained for a particular date for vehicular inspection at District office (South Mandalay) and District Office (North Mandalay) in Mandalay Region and Yangon Region by filling the forms online.
the Department of Road Transport in Yangon Region., Corner of Than Thu Ma Road and Myin Tha Road, Thingungyun Township, Yangon.
the Ywar Thar Gyi office in East Dagon,
District Office (East Yangon)
District Office (West Yangon)
District Office (North Yangon)
District Office (South Yangon)
Mandalay Region
Office (Mandalay), Theit Pan Street bet: 73*78 street, Maha Aung Myae Township, Mandalay.
Contact us for online booking application
Yangon Office
09 781 425 403,09 974885896, 09 254 513 042
Mandalay Office
Website Address
Online booking system is provided in district office of Yangon region because of high demand for vehicle inspection.
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Testing for Master test by SL
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Testing for DB Master
Information Ministry makes rules of tender system for school textbooks clear
Ministry of Information/ Nay Pyi Taw / October 18, 2018
The Committee for Accepting and Scrutinizing Tender for School Textbooks explained the rules of the tender system to private printing businesses at the Ministry of Information in Nay Pyi Taw on 17 October.
Deputy Minister for Information U Aung Hla Tun, in his capacity as the chairman of the committee, said the tender processes would ensure transparency, adding that competition will be equal to everyone in accordance with the order 1/2017 of the Office of the President.
The ministry invited tender recently to purchase paper and other necessary items to print the textbooks for 2019-2020 academic year.
“We discussed the required quality for the books with the Japan International Cooperation Agency and we will show the expected quality of the text books,” said the deputy minister.
Next, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Information U Myo Myint Maung, in his capacity as the secretary of the committee, explained the nature of tender system and formation of sub-committees for putting out the tender for school textbooks.
U Ko Ko Naing, Deputy Director-General of the Printing and Publishing Department, and member of the committee explained the school textbook tender submitting process and the rules of the contract.
The officials replied to questions raised by printing entrepreneurs and the meeting came to an end with concluding remarks by Deputy Minister U Aung Hla Tun.
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Testing for Master test by SL
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Testing for DB Master
မျိုးခြံလုပ်ငန်း ၊ ဥဖောက်လုပ်ငန်း ၊ မွေးမြူရေးခြံလုပ်ငန်းမှတ်ပုံတင်လက်မှတ် ၊ PC(7) ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Chin State Government / October 05, 2021
စိုက်ပျိုး မွေးမြူ၊ ထုတ်လုပ်ရေး အမည်ပြောင်းလျှောက်ထားခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
ကျွဲနွား သယ်ဆောင်ခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
ပျားမွေးမြူရေးလုပ်ငန်းလုပ်ကိုင်ရန် မွေးမြူမှုလိုင်စင် ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018
ရေထွက်ပစ္စည်းများ Normal & Border Trade ဖြင့် တင်ပို့ခြင်း။
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 25, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
MoH Union Minister holds coordination meeting on RDT use for international flight passengers, inspects preparations at Yangon International Airport
Ministry of Information/ Naypyitaw / April 29, 2022
UNION Minister for Health Prof Dr Thet Khaing Win presided over a coordination meeting on plans to change into an RDT system for international flights on 27 April.
During the meeting, the Union minister said the infection rate of COVID-19 has declined in most regional countries, including Myanmar. Specific activities are also prioritized systematically to ease COVID-19 rules and regulations as the COVID-19 vaccine coverage becomes high.
The government also arranged to ensure the reopening of international flights and systematic COVID-19 health rules for the tourist and Myanmar citizen arrivals to develop the country’s global tourism industry.
He also talked about the declining positive cases among the passengers in commercial flights and relief flights, challenges in the resumption of commercial aviation, and the COVID19 Antigen Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) to save time and money for flight passengers.
Then, meeting attendees discussed proper services for passengers, plans to change into RDT (draft) and current challenges during the resumption of international flights, visas, health insurance, collection of Myanmar kyats for RDT test, preparations to avoid mass gatherings in RDT test section at the airport, taking swab samples, quality RDT test kits and other matters.
The Union minister instructed necessary things and concluded the meeting.
The Union minister and relevant officials inspected the preparations to conduct COVID-19 tests using RDT on the passengers of regular international flights at Yangon International Airport yesterday.
During the inspection tour, the Union minister instructed officials to systematically collect data from passengers, swab samples, the opening of more swab counters to avoid mass gathers while waiting for their test results, establish an exchange counter, welfare of airport staff and disease control activities when the results show positive.
The Ministry of Health allowed the international flights starting 17-4-2022 as per COVID-19 health rules under the COVID-19 Central Committee on Prevention, Control and Treatment and decided to use RDT at the Yangon International Airport soon to save the cost as the infection rate drops.
Testing for DB01 Master Master Replication
Testing for Master test by SL
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Testing for DB Master
Testing for DB01 Master Master Replication
Testing for Master test by SL
Testing for DB Master02 announcement
Testing for DB Master
Senior General: Unity among nationalities vital in making Myanmar stand strong
Ministry of Information/ Nay Pyi Taw / September 17, 2018
Every big and small country which has unity can stand as a strong country in the world. Like the saying “unity is strength”, all our ethnic nationalities are to strive for unity, said Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing in a meeting with officers, other ranks and their families at Kalaw station yesterday morning.
It was also attended by the Senior General’s wife Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, Commander-in-Chief (Navy) Admiral Tin Aung San and wife, Commander-in-Chief (Air) General Maung Maung Kyaw and wife, senior military officers from the Office of Commander-in-Chief (Army), Commander of Eastern Command Maj-Gen Lin Aung and officers, other ranks and their families at Kalaw station.
In his speech, the Senior General said respective military headquarters alone cannot perform duties and objectives individually. All servicemen are to perform their duties. So servicemen must have thorough understanding of their duties and abide by standing orders. It aims to ensure the enforcement of military rules which is the lifeblood of Tatmadaw. It will become a good Tatmadaw only when each serviceman has good discipline. It will become a Tatmadaw on which the people can rely.
The Senior General stressed that Our Three Main National Causes, administrative machinery of the State, life and property of the people and rights of the people should not be harmed in performing the current tasks of restoring eternal peace and walking along the path of multi-party democracy.
Then, the Senior General presented food items for officers and other ranks at the station through the station commander.
Next, Daw Kyu Kyu Hla presented cash award for the maternal and child welfare association of the station to the wife of the station commander.
Admiral Tin Aung San, General Maung Maung Kyaw and Lt-Gen Maung Maung Aye of the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army) gave food items, sports equipment and fiction and non-fiction books for officers, other ranks and families of the station to officials.
Later, the Senior General and party cordially greeted officers, other ranks and families who attended the ceremony.
Photo: Office of the Commander-In-Chief
Ref; The Global New Light of Myanmar
မျိုးခြံလုပ်ငန်း ၊ ဥဖောက်လုပ်ငန်း ၊ မွေးမြူရေးခြံလုပ်ငန်းမှတ်ပုံတင်လက်မှတ် ၊ PC(7) ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Chin State Government / October 05, 2021
စိုက်ပျိုး မွေးမြူ၊ ထုတ်လုပ်ရေး အမည်ပြောင်းလျှောက်ထားခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
ကျွဲနွား သယ်ဆောင်ခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
ပျားမွေးမြူရေးလုပ်ငန်းလုပ်ကိုင်ရန် မွေးမြူမှုလိုင်စင် ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018
ရေထွက်ပစ္စည်းများ Normal & Border Trade ဖြင့် တင်ပို့ခြင်း။
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 25, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
Testing for DB01 Master Master Replication
Testing for Master test by SL
Testing for DB Master02 announcement
Testing for DB Master
မျိုးခြံလုပ်ငန်း ၊ ဥဖောက်လုပ်ငန်း ၊ မွေးမြူရေးခြံလုပ်ငန်းမှတ်ပုံတင်လက်မှတ် ၊ PC(7) ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Chin State Government / October 05, 2021
စိုက်ပျိုး မွေးမြူ၊ ထုတ်လုပ်ရေး အမည်ပြောင်းလျှောက်ထားခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
ကျွဲနွား သယ်ဆောင်ခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
ပျားမွေးမြူရေးလုပ်ငန်းလုပ်ကိုင်ရန် မွေးမြူမှုလိုင်စင် ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018
ရေထွက်ပစ္စည်းများ Normal & Border Trade ဖြင့် တင်ပို့ခြင်း။
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 25, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
Testing for DB01 Master Master Replication
Testing for Master test by SL
Testing for DB Master02 announcement
Testing for DB Master
Testing for DB01 Master Master Replication
Testing for Master test by SL
Testing for DB Master02 announcement
Testing for DB Master
မျိုးခြံလုပ်ငန်း ၊ ဥဖောက်လုပ်ငန်း ၊ မွေးမြူရေးခြံလုပ်ငန်းမှတ်ပုံတင်လက်မှတ် ၊ PC(7) ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Chin State Government / October 05, 2021
စိုက်ပျိုး မွေးမြူ၊ ထုတ်လုပ်ရေး အမည်ပြောင်းလျှောက်ထားခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
ကျွဲနွား သယ်ဆောင်ခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
မျိုးခြံလုပ်ငန်း ၊ ဥဖောက်လုပ်ငန်း ၊ မွေးမြူရေးခြံလုပ်ငန်းမှတ်ပုံတင်လက်မှတ် ၊ PC(7) ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Chin State Government / October 05, 2021
စိုက်ပျိုး မွေးမြူ၊ ထုတ်လုပ်ရေး အမည်ပြောင်းလျှောက်ထားခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
ကျွဲနွား သယ်ဆောင်ခွင့်။
Yangon Region Government / September 30, 2021
လိုင်စင်နှင့် ခွင့်ပြုချက်လျှောက်ထားရန်
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018
ပျားမွေးမြူရေးလုပ်ငန်းလုပ်ကိုင်ရန် မွေးမြူမှုလိုင်စင် ထုတ်ပေးခြင်း
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 18, 2018
ရေထွက်ပစ္စည်းများ Normal & Border Trade ဖြင့် တင်ပို့ခြင်း။
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 25, 2018
Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Irrigation / April 09, 2018